ONE STRONG for 25 Years - Join us in celebrating 25 years of excellence through Brotherhood


ONE STRONG for 25 Years - Join us in celebrating 25 years of excellence through Brotherhood

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This week starting TODAY we will be celebrating 25 years of Brotherhood through out our campus, and through the love of the brothers that have come before us and are with us in present day.

▷▸ MONDAY | February 18th
[It's On Us Pledge Drive]
Join the movement by taking the pledge. Commit to helping create a culture of consent, bystander intervention and survivor support.
▸Location: Turlington Plaza
▸Time: 10:00AM-2:00PM

▷▸ TUESDAY | February 19th
[Pie-a-Pi for Dance Marathon]
Come out and pie the brothers of Pi Delta Psi with all proceeds benefiting Dance Marathon #FTK
▸Location: Turlington Plaza
▸Time: 10:00AM-2:00PM

▷▸ WEDNESDAY | February 20th
[Set Performance and Cake Cutting]
Come learn about the national history of our organization and watch the brothers of Sigma Chapter perform on our Founders' Day
▸Location: Turlington Plaza
▸Time: 12:35 PM

▷▸ THURSDAY | February 21st
[International Mother Language Day Cultural Forum]
Did you know that IMLD is celebrated every year on February 21st? Come learn about the origins of this worldwide observance dedicated to promoting linguistic and cultural diversity at our forum cosponsored with Asian Pacific Islander American Affairs at UF
▸Location: TBA
▸Time: TBA

▷▸ FRIDAY | February 22nd
[Brotherhood Dinner]
▸Closed Event

▷▸ SATURDAY | February 23rd
[Adopted Road Cleanup]
▸Closed Event






Our Brother of the Month award for March goes to Andrew Pero!
Andrew is our Multicultural Greek Council representative and serves as Community Service Director for the Multicultural Greek Council as well!

He brings hard work, determination, and compassion to our active house every day. He has been going the extra mile to help any brother that needs it, stays behind longer at events to help out, and signs up for as many events as possible.





First and foremost, huge shoutout to all of the people who came out to probate, we were very happy to see how much support we have!

It is with great pleasure that we introduce to you our Spring 18' Phi Class!

Phi #138 Erickson Gallardo, Brother FRAGMENT
Big Brother: Upsilon #134 Hung Ma, Brother OVERSIGHT

Phi #139 Duc Huynh, Brother Deadfall
Big Brother: Rho #118 Stefan Sanguyo, Brother Espada

Phi #140 Kevin Nguyen, Brother Imperial
Big Brother: Upsilon #136 Anthony Nguyen, Brother Optical

Phi #141 Lawrence Hua, Brother Counter Logic
Big Brother: Rho #119 Matty Dinh, Brother Lunatic

Phi #142 Jed Rojas, Brother ENDGAME
Big Brother: Pi #113 Woowon Choi, Brother CRUSADE

Phi #143 Tzyy Hsu, Brother Titanfall
Big Brother: Sigma #124 Phillip Nguyen, Brother Lockdown

New Member Educator: Rho #118 Stefan Sanguyo, Brother Espada
Assistant New Member Educator: Omicron #109 Gabe Bautista, Brother YOKE


Brother of the Month - February


Brother of the Month - February

In case you haven't heard, meet our February Brother of the Month - Nguyen Ngo!

Nguyen has been getting heavily involved in his Neophyte semester. He was recently acclimated to be the Multicultural Greek Council public relations director, is on the UF MusicFest programming committee, was actively involved in our Founder’s Week events, and has spearheaded most of our fundraising for Dance Marathon!


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Dance Marathon Involvement!

For the first time in our chapter's history, the Sigma Chapter of Pi Delta Psi Fraternity Inc. will be involved with the University of Florida's Dance Marathon philanthropy!

Dance Marathon is a nationwide effort to raise funds and awareness for Children's Miracle Network hospitals. At the University of Florida, all of these donations are given to the UF Health Shands Children's Hospital to further efforts in research and excellent care!

Our brothers will be working hard this semester to fund raise, and we invite you to join us as we attempt to hit our goal of $10,000 for this amazing philanthropy!

If you would like to join us and donate to our cause to help out numerous Miracle Children, our fundraising page is provided below:

Thank you very much for the support, and as always, its For The Kids!

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First and foremost, huge shoutout to all of the people who came out to probate, we were very happy to see how much support we have!

It is with great pleasure that we introduce to you our Fall 17' Upsilon Class!

Upsilon #133 Andrew Pero Brother IRONBORN
Big Brother: Omicron #109 Gabe Bautista, Brother YOKE

Upsilon #134 Hung Ma Brother OVERSIGHT
Big Brother: Omicron #110 Jason Chiu, Brother Castaway

Upsilon #135 Nguyen Ngo Brother Crossbones
Big Brother: Sigma #127 Anndy Nguyen, Brother Spectre

Upsilon #136 Anthony Nguyen Brother Optical
Big Brother: Omicron #110 Jason Chiu, Brother Castaway

Upsilon #137 Benjamin Castillo Brother MACHINA
Big Brother: Rho #117 George Hirano, Brother STEPBACK

New Member Educator: Omicron #110 Jason Chiu, Brother Castaway
Assistant New Member Educator: Rho #114 Philip Pham, Brother Suppressor




We would like to proudly introduce our Spring 2017 Tau Class!
We appreciate everybody who came out to support, thank you for welcoming these men into our council!

New Member Educator: Nu #88 Keith Macalino Brother, IMPASSE
Assistant New Member Educator: Rho #116 William Wu, Brother PULSE

Tau #128 Ben Ingham, Brother Montezuma
Big Brother: Rho #120 Andrew Cadavid, Brother KALAKĀUA

Tau #129 Alan Flores, Brother Sektor
Big Brother: Pi #112 Matthew Tanawan, Brother Praetorian

Tau #130 Phat Huynh, Brother Komodo
Big Brother: Rho #118 Stefan Sanguyo, Brother Espada

Tau #131 Mikem Munoz, Brother Insurgent
Big Brother: Pi #112 Matthew Tanawan, Brother Praetorian

Tau #132 Felipe Jimenez, Brother O.G.
Big Brother: Xi #100 Nick Brown, Brother IRONHIDE





A huge shoutout to all of the people who came out to our probate, we thank you for all of the support!

It is with great pleasure that we introduce to you our Fall '16 Sigma Class!

PE: Chris Abeleda, Brother Deadeye
PA: Kyle Garay, Brother Kontraband

Sigma #123 JJ Villanueva, Brother FENRIR
Big Brother: Rho #115 Trevor San Antonio, Brother PHARAOH

Sigma #124 Phillip Nguyen, Brother Lockdown
Big Brother: Xi #106 Ryan Le, Brother Dynam

Sigma #125 Jordan Nguyen, Brother Centurion
Big Brother: Xi #107 Chris Abeleda, Brother Deadeye

Sigma #126 Adam Wang, Brother Admiral
Big Brother: Xi #106 Ryan Le, Brother Dynam

Sigma #127 Anndy Nguyen, Brother Spectre
Big Brother: Xi #107 Chris Abeleda, Brother Deadeye
